Family & Extended Family

The Iyengars

House of Iyengars   Sampath  Married the love of his Life Nomita who is a Maths Teacher & the Middle School Coordinator in an IB School and they have two Sons, Kunal who is a BE IT Engineer turned  Music and sound producer/Composer and Aniket who is also a BE Mech Engineer from VIT Vellore & […]

Roger Hamilton’s Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind

Roger Hamilton’s Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind Sampath K Iyengar is part of Roger Hamilton’s Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind and was a two time Sponsor for the events in Mumbai in 2019 and 2020. Roger is a world renowned futurist and social entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author and entrepreneur who mentors Entrepreneurs to grow their enterprises and […]

Business Network International

Previous Next Sampath K Iyengar Was invited to Join BNI International and was a Founder member of BNI Alpha Mumbai in July 2005. He was the Secretary Treasurer, Chapter Director and soon became part of the core team as a regional director and was instrumental in starting up the BNI Creme chapter.  He was trained […]

Rotary International

Previous Next Rotary International     Sam was Invited to join The Rotary Club of Mumbai Goregaon West as a charter member in 1995 and was the President 2001-02 under DG Suresh Rathod. Due to the increasing time and distance constraints he moved to Rotary Club of Bombay Seacoast in July 2011 and was the secretary […]